I can't wait for you to shut me up!
My middle school LOVE
How I found the band
I found the band because I used to be really into NaRuTo (cRiNgE LOL, I was a Narutard weeaboo fangrl) and I used to watch aug325 on YouTube with my little middle school friends. I wasn't allowed to watch YouTube at home yet because we were like 12 and 13, so I would go over to my bestie's (at the time, not anymore!!) and we'd watch youtube on her parents dinosaur computer because her parents were old and didn't understand "the internet" tm and never monitored what she did online. But anyway, aug325 (aka Dana-chan, again, WEEBS) posted a HidaKona shipping video edit AMV (anime music video, GOD) and "Get It Up" by MSI was the background song!! I fell in LOVE with MSI's music right then and there. Once I was finally allowed to watch YouTube at home, I would turn on that video when my parents weren't around just for the song.
Of course, I also learned how to use Sound Recorder and an aux cable on our family PC with my 2nd gen iPod touch to rip music, and I knew how to delete my history on my iPod browser, so one day I ripped that song to a .wav file so I could put it on my iPod. I still have that shitty ripped .wav file somewhere.
I knew MSI was way too edgy for me to listen to at my age. I was a good kid, like way too good and way too sheltered. So that little act of rebellion was something I gave myself. I used to listen to the edgiest most "fuck you" music on the school bus, and then I'd go about my day being a perfect little student and child and people-pleasing. It was my copium back then. I also later saw their concert vid after they stopped touring and kind of "broke up" and I loved it. I wished I could've been there. I had a mega-crush on Lyn-Z, and I tried to do the backbend myself. I used to be able to. I also attempted it with my guitar but I fell over haha! I also DIED when Lollipop Chainsaw came out and Jimmy Urine voiced the first boss in the game. That was my shit. I even became a varsity cheerleader in real life and before I'd go perform for games, I used to listen to "Revenge".
Now as an adult, I still love MSI's music. I always listen to the album "if", that's my sweet spot, but I love other albums and other songs too like "Golden I" (that's one of my faves). But I also see the issues that many of us teens and pre-teens were blind to back then.
My opinion of MSI and especially Jimmy Urine (or James Euringer) now are not so stellar. I'm aware of the accusations, and I hope the victim gets the justice they deserve. I'm also aware of the behavior of Jimmy Urine and fellow band members, like the distasteful party costumes, and making out with people at concerts including underaged fans, and so on. It's really bad, and I'm honestly angry at them all for it and at the band members for enabling each other in that behavior. But such accusations have also come out about other bands from that time too. Just take on look at Dahvie Vanity! It was unfortunately the band culture at the time. That doesn't excuse any of their actions. But for myself, just for me, this band was a significant part of me growing up and my experiences, so I allow myself to look back through the lens of nostalgia and enjoyment of the art, the music, itself and the wonder I felt from afar as a kid who thought they were so edgy and who had dreams of attending an MSI concert. As an adult now, I would NEVER attend an MSI concert or buy their merch. But I will still listen to my pirated .wav file of "Get It Up" and go back to when I was a dumb little Narutard weeb.
SO just keep in mind as you check out this shrine, due to the accusations and terrible culture this band's members were involved in, I recommend you do NOT give them views and support. If you view their songs or concert vids, probably check them out on the peripheral from unofficial sources. Like this shrine! I will probably add more later.